Here below is a collection of Frequently Asking Questions. By reading these FAQs you may have an answer to your question.

Question 1: Can I list my website at webcanals.com for free.

Response: If you successfully register your website at www.webcanals.com, the first 100 transfers to your website (first 100 clicks) are provided to you for free. Invalid Clicks are not counted.
You can use your free 100 clicks at your advantage by selecting where in the world (by country) you want your business to be displayed (or not to display).
After these free 100 clicks, you can benefit from one of several promotional options that are offered in the members area by updating your status to a 0.05 $ per click in start up PPC plan or to a member status.

However, listing your website in www.webcanals.com generally requires an inspection to ensure that the status information in your website (private or legally registered, manufacturer or trading company, etc...) is accurate in order to preserve www.webcanals.com paramount objective of being a genuine internet platform for the benefit of all users. The inspection may not be free, because it will be handled by a third-party entity who may charge you a fee for the inspection. While WebCANALS will designate a reputable entity for the inspection, WebCANALS does not charge any fee for the inspection and does not receive a back payment from the third-party in charge of the inspection. In some cases, the inspections are handled by WeCANALS affiliates, particularly in locations where a reputable inspection company may not be available. All inspections conducted by WebCANALS affiliates are objective and free of charge.

Question 2: How do you ascertain that all websites listed in webcanals are genuine ?

Response: If you look on any page of www.webcanals.com website, you will find that there is not a possibility to register a website online without prior inspection. Being listed in www.webcanals.com requires a prior inspection. The inspection is conducted by a worldwide reputable inspection company or by an affiliate of WebCANALS, depending on the geographical location of the activities related with the website, and the nature of the website. WebCANALS affiliates are all selected through rigorous criterions base on experience and professional ethics. Regardless of the outcome of the inspection, a report is send to WebCANALS for a final approval and listing.

Question 3: Which conditions you require for listing a web site in webcanals.com

Response: The main condition is that the information provided by the website regarding the status (private or legally registered, manufacturer or trading company, etc...) is genuine. For example if the website is promoting the products of a manufacturer, WebCANALS will ensure that the alleged manufacturer is actually a manufacturer and not a trading company, and the manufacturer must be an officially registered entity in the geographic location where the goods are being produced.
If the website belongs to a trading company, a distributor, a dealer, a retailer, or a broker the inspection will verify the status information stipulated in the website.

Question 4: I don't have a website, can I promote my business at webcanals ?

Response: Yes. In WebCANALS you have 2 options:
(1). You may rent a space in WebCANALS website that will be customized especially for you and will be operating as your website. However, this option requires a prior inspection of your business or your organization in order to ensure that the information in your customized space is genuine;
(2). You can buy a registered domain name in www.webcanals.com, create a website and start your Internet presence. WebCANALS can assist you in the process of creating and hosting your website;

Notice: Regardless of which option you select, inspection of your website information is required prior to registration of the website in www.webcanals.com . Buying a registered domain name in WebCANALS does not require an inspection, but listing the website in www.webcanals.com will require an inspection.

Question 5: How do you ensure that a website will not change its content and underperform after a successful inspection and listing ?

Response: Changes in a website contents are supposed to happen, and this is normal. Unfortunately, we cannot make sure at 100% that a website will not underperform after a successful inspection. In order to prevent underperformance cases occurrence, further inspections are also conducted whenever necessary, even after the registration and listing of a website. In the Terms of Use, website owners are required to accept two further inspections within each twelve months period if WebCANALS finds it necessary. Websites owners are required to keep with the standards of honesty in the presentation of their websites after the inspection. If after inspection and registration approval, the status information in the website is no more accurate and particularly if WebCANALS has noticed or has been advised that a registered website is underperforming, WebCANALS will investigate the matter and eventually advise the website organization or owner to update the website information if necessary. If the information in the website is not updated within 5 working days, WebCANALS will take appropriate measures depending on the nature of the case. For example, if a trading company, after inspection and registration in www.webcanals.com changes website content by stipulating that it’s a factory; if the company refuses further inspection and fails to provide valuable, official proofs documentations of the alleged factory to WebCANALS, WebCANALS will terminate the business relationship with the infringing website.

Question 6: How do I start with the inspection/registration procedure of my website with webcanals ?

Response: Click here

Should your question not be mentioned here above, please click here and write to us; we will be happy to hear from you.


Genuine Websites